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Monday 19 May 2014

Love and Will

Some believe that Will can act as an independent force, like an engine which can direct itself. But this is a common and erroneous understanding. Will, when expressed naturally, is the expression of deeper needs and arises effortlessly from a mysterious connection to knowledge which is greater than oneself. Will is the seed which knows itself as a tree and then dreams of blossoms and fruit. But the forces which move within that seed are not the seed itself, it must be feed and watered by the world and by the small inner voice of our souls.

                When we recognize our connection to the All by whatever name or by whatever construct we hold this idea, then life sorts itself out. Life becomes easier, less wear and tear, less stress and friction. We shift from trying to accomplish through a forced ego power that is focused on ourselves only, to an effortless and gentle spirit. This force is based in a non-possessive love and compassion for all beings, starting with ourselves. Then in this state of love, we can decide through a connection with the All, based on self-love, mate love, Other love, world love, god love… from this place of clarity, we can act firmly connected to the inner voice of soul. This expression of love gently, without effort then has the will to do all that we choose to be and do. In this way, the inner self opens to greater joy and through this joy comes freedom. By combining will and love, we are never in conflict with ourselves, others or the world events that transpire around us. We live in the strength of soul, which is the strength of creation of our world. The power that creates mountains, that rains on our garden, that tosses the earth around the sun. But it is not an ego strength that takes pride in superficial achievements but is deeply connected to everything that can make us happy.

                By cultivating a daily reminder of this love, and by acting from this foundation, an inner joy begins to develop which will sustain you on your journey, wherever you choose to go. You are never weak if you love and act from this place, you will have all the strength and gifts necessary to achieve all that will give you fulfillment.

                Ego driven goals have the characteristics of being cruel, competitive, closed down, and ultimately painful. By listening to the small still voice within of soul, gradually we can all turn away from the false demands of fear and transform this world. All beings yearn for this development at this time.  We can see the results of ego-driven will in the way we are destroying our environment which is our sacred sanctuary to live out the divine expression of the All. We can see the results of ego driven will by the chronic diseases that are starting to plague us, by addictions, and wide spread anxiety and depression.

We are in a renaissance of growth and evolution spiritually. We are also in the last stages of destruction of our physical environment as we know it. We must hold these two seeming paradoxes in our hands gently, with compassion and forgiveness, allow both. Then we can act, perhaps to curb the destruction or to prepare for the new consciousness that is developing. The small god voice within will guide you.

                When will is an expression of love, this leads to joy which leads to freedom. The test for freedom is the presence of joy. Then each person can ask themselves, how joyful am I in my life? The answer which spontaneously arises is the answer from your soul place. If the answer if not very…then in compassion for yourself and others, begin the work of spiritual development. Your soul will guide you if you listen to the small, quiet voice within.

                To learn more about about Soul Catching, contact me at 

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 I am available for one on one counselling and groups process.

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