Week Five-Body as Map of Soul
first week was utilized learning how to focus the mind. Then during the second
week, you noticed where you store emotional memories in your body- making an
emotional mind map of your body. The third week was following back to where
those memories were laid down, the home place of when these messages were
caught and kept by your mind. The fourth week was an exploration of where you
focus your attention-determining the direction of your attention. This week I
will finish these steps by tying intention to soul and by integrating the
unresolved experiences using the direction and focus of your soul intentions
and purpose.
final step is tying intention to soul. For example, if you have discomfort in
your neck you must first be aware of it in a conscious way. Then you follow
back to why you have discomfort. I notice
that when I’m stressed, I tend to hold tightness in my throat area. Where did
this start? Ah, I know that my fear seems to close off this area. My fear goes
back to when…
Now you can replace
discomfort with ease, joy and adventure. When
I feel that closing down I can say to myself, this is an adventure. This if
fun, exciting. This challenge will help me grow and give me great joy once I
learn from it and become a greater person. Once you understand the
direction of your life, then you can utilize everything that comes into your
life as an experience that will take you closer to your goals. Direction brings
resolution and wholeness.
If I return the analogy of
gardening, first we have to get to know the garden, walk around it, dig it up,
notice what times of day the sunlight is shining on it. Then we have to go into
the depths of the earth and pull out the weeds by their roots Then we can plant
new chosen seeds-flowers, vegies, fruit.
Then the last step is that we can collect together the extra food from
our garden and share it with neighbours. Sharing, helping others with their challenges
is the last and more rewarding step of this process. I am a lamp in the world. I can give light and ease to others.
Try This !
1. Re-read
the journaling you did in the past weeks about your soul’s intentions. Take any
difficult experience that you are going through and write about how this
challenge is helping you reach your spiritual goals.
2. Now
spend some time in the part of your body which you identify as most characteristic
of this challenge. Notice where you store the information, like a map about
where you are struggling. For example, I
have stiff shoulders. I take on too much responsibility. My life goal is to
help others but if I take on others’ challenges (which I can’t do if I want to)
then I am not fulfilling my soul direction.
3. Replace
the old memory and filing system within your mind and within your body with
new, fresh ideas. For example, I will let
go of any expectation around how my family will react to me. I will simply stay
in a quiet peaceful place and allow them to decide how they want to respond to
who I am. I am going to replace tension with love and acceptance of myself.
4. Share and commit to help others in some small
way. I am going to volunteer to talk with
some teens about my experiences with addiction and share my story of recovery.
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