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Sunday 18 January 2015

Winds of Change

I write this blog in the same way that the ideas arise and are interpreted by World Metaphoric Therapy . Insights are given by the environment in the moment. I have been thinking and worrying for a several days about whether to take a position which would bring me more money but would not lead to developing my career as a spiritual counsellor.

 The old hungry ghosts of fear and deceit rose up and whispered in my ear “You can’t do this. The world isn’t ready for this new consciousness. Most important, you won’t be able to make a living, your marriage will fall apart, you will be alone and poverty stricken.

 Feeling confused and pushed by my bewilderment, I got up early and took my coffee out onto the eastern balcony. The sky was golden along the horizon; a winter storm tore through a large stand of firs trees towering above the road. For an instant I felt afraid, what if the power went out? What if one of those trees suddenly fell onto my house? They were close enough to hit the deck where I was sitting. A tiny humming bird swept into the feeder, I wondered how such a little creature could navigate in the wind. Was she not afraid of being blown off course? She flew in again and again, hungry after a long dark night. Her insistence awed me, her courage to be such a tiny brilliant bird, the smallest of all birds, the first one up in the morning to come to the feeder. And in that instant, I knew the world had given me my answer.

                The storm is the new consciousness that is arsing and which will tear many old structures apart unless we welcome and accept the changes it brings. The humming bird represents me, I am hungry of soul. But I am only one person. In the winds of change, I can fly straight to where I will fulfill my destiny, my soul’s purpose. The wind died down, the air was left fresh and filled with excitement and energy, bursting with water droplets and oxygen. The clouds cleared and as I lfet the house, a bright rainbow appeared.

                Later that morning I saw a card reader at the yoga studio where I attend classes. I impulsively decided to have a reading. The reader sat down and with the help of her cards, told me exactly what the omens from the world had told me earlier, as if I needed to hear it all again, this time with images and speech. Despite all the guidance, from myself by the feeling I got when I thought about starting in a job that does not take me in the direction I want, from the world telling me through World Metaphoric Therapy to continue despite the storms around me, and the from others in the community by the cards that came up, including the ‘letting go’ card- I still felt unsure.

                My teachers, the River, gave me a wonderful birthday present this year. I always ask them for a present and they always turn up and give me one. This year it was a sudden rush of confidence and insight that all that I done up to now was in preparation for what is to come. The new consciousness will come and I for one want to be at the front saying-this way! For all the suffering beings in the world, at the time of my passing I want to be able to face them and claim-I did all I could to lessen suffering and support growth. If I’m fulfilling that purpose -then I’m liberating myself to the future. Then the River  added this- all that I am planning has already been created. To see it, to experience it, I have only to step towards it. The soul of the world will take care of the rest.

Joy in the journey within the sleeping darkness of winter. Yesterday I saw snow drops blooming by my front door! The first flowers, courageous, tough, delicate, sweet scented and much loved.

Try This!

1.       At the beginning of this New Year, focus on what the ‘winds of change’ are in your life. Are they storms or just gusts of wind? Are they pushing you hard or gently inviting? Journal about this. Change is seldom easy, don’t underestimate how difficult the changes that you want in your life may be.

2.       Now think about what may blow you off your course towards realizing your path as a spiritual person. What are your fears? What are some of the barriers that might come up in your plans? Now write also about how you intend to overcome these challenges.

3.       Take a moment every day in the next week and visualise that your plans are already real, already manifested in your life. Is there anything you want to add to the first two steps when you visualise this as if these are already in your life?

4.       Now notice how you feel after being what you want to become. Let all your thoughts about the future go and allow the world to bring you your soul’s highest path.

Picture from Cecelia Webber by permission.Check out her fantastic art at

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