All knowledge is within. All knowledge is without Chapter One Life goals and lessons River: Greetings! Julia : Let the book begin! River : Let the book begin. We are ready -the great journey is upon us! We must first decide some sort of structure for this thing that we built between us. We suggest a work that involves not only our work and our direction and our wisdom from our perspective and our goals we also suggest if it is becoming to you that you are involved from your own position as part of your growth that you're part of the book is a writing of YOU! We would suggest then that in this first week you return to your own home and think carefully about five subjects that are directly connected with what learning you have done till now in your lifetime. This should be five short sentence is that capitalize succinctly, the truth of the learning of your life. It will not be easy. It is never easy to summarize one's own life as at the point of death....
The River Books-Book Two All knowledge is within, All knowledge is without
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The River Books-Book Two All knowledge is within, All knowledge is without Introduction The River is a fellowship of beings who began channeling through my sister, Catherine M. in the spring of 1983. They described themselves as a collection of beings from many different worlds. Some are elemental beings, plant essences, animal totems, spirits of those who have lived in previous times here, some who have never inhabited earth but are concerned about the future of our home. They shared hundreds of sessions with us over the next thirty years. Catherine channeled for many people who posed questions to this seemingly inexhaustible source of wisdom which ranged from the personal, relational to the most esoteric spiritual. Their main message was that they considered the times which we are living in to be dangerous and full of existential threats to the continued life of planet Earth. They wanted to impart as much information as possible so we can all make what they cal...
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Winter Solstice-Rituals for the darkest day of the year Here in this human world, sometimes we must experience darkness before we can choose the light. Winter solstice is when the earth is at Her darkest nadir and She pauses, preparing for the next cycle of the seasons. This is why, despite the marginalization of spirituality in our world, this one time of year, with its multiple celebrations from various traditions, is still honoured in most of the world. This is the time of year to venerate darkness, the Shadow, all the negative experiences in our lives, in the lives of others, and in the world, as one interconnected net of being. From the darkness comes the polarities necessary to choose the light, for the next cycle of growth- restoration, rest, sinking in the cave of the collective subconscious, going within and finding new directions for the new year. With that in mind, let’s turn our attention for a moment towards our own defensiveness, anger and irritatio...
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DEATH MEDITATION This practice was taught to me by a channeled fellowship called The River. I included the mediation in my blog-Julia Star’s Blogsite and my book about the River teachings-Soul Catching-Discovering sacred connections in our environments. This book is available on my This death meditation is similar to Buddhist practices with same intentions but created for contemporary people in these times. Winter is the best time of year to practice the Death Meditation . If possible, choose quiet times at night, especially between one and four o’clock. This is a practice best reserved for individuals aged 28 years or older. It is sound practice to allow the first 28 years of maturation for the ego to develop in a healthy way. This is a practice that is beneficial for those who are at the end of their lives, or those who want to let go of the fear of death, or those who want to live more fully without the shadow of death in their psyches. There a...
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Elysian mysteries revealed after two thousand years of secrecy The Mystai are approaching. We can hear them approaching. Singing, playing drums, flutes and cymbals which resonate thru the valley, made hot by the setting sun. This is the month of fall harvest…and death. And rebirth. They have been walking since dawn. The water carriers are tired, they run ahead the dusty brick road with the amphorae of sweet cool well water and wait for the slowly walking gathering to reach them. Men, women, and children dressed in white linen robes holding palms leaves to shield themselves from the hot sun of late afternoon. Today is the first day of the Greater Eleusinian Mysteries. Dromena, deiknumena, legomena. Things done, things shown, things said. These are the esoteric teachings that could not be revealed, on pain of death. The mysteries were kept secret for between two to four thousand years. They were held about seventeen kilometres from Athens in an agricultural va...
Connection-Soul Catching in the Environment
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Soul Catching is a way of life and therapy which I have developed over many years of studying with a spiritual fellowship called The River. Soul catching was developed from observing and practising different spiritual traditions, and studying quantum physics and psychology and over forty years of front-line counselling. This philosophy forms the basis of both a life path and a counselling model. This practice is based on the premise that we do not live inside ourselves. Our consciousness is not a little nut of awareness, hidden somewhere behind our eyes or in our hearts. Our souls, that part of us that is deepest and most essential, lives outside of our skins, in the world. So the world is not only a metaphor for our consciousness, but it is our consciousness- our soul. Soul lives outside ...
Mindfulness for anxious times: The Clearing breath, Circular breath and Body Scan
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This past year of quarantine has been incredibly difficult for all of us. I talk to lots of people across the country about how to manage anxiety. One of the first things we all need to do is acknowledge that these are time when there is much to be anxious about. Then we can cope better by putting new strategies in place. One of best strategies to cope with the current high stress level is to practice some kind of mindfulness, intentionally for at least ten minutes a day. The benefits of mindfulness are myriad. Check out the resources at the end of this posting. I consider these three mindfulness practices: clearing breath, circular breath and the body scan, to be essential and foundational for any kind of inner reflection, intentional change and mind/body neuro re-structuring. If calm abiding can be established, then any kind of personal change is facilitated. Calming the brain stem by engaging the somatic responses of the para-sympathetic systems allows the whole body...