Winter Solstice-Rituals for the darkest day of the
Here in
this human world, sometimes we must experience darkness before we
can choose the light. Winter solstice is when the earth is at Her darkest nadir and She pauses, preparing for the
next cycle of the seasons. This is why, despite the marginalization of
spirituality in our world, this one time of year, with its multiple
celebrations from various traditions, is still honoured in most of the world.
This is the
time of year to venerate darkness, the Shadow, all the negative experiences in
our lives, in the lives of others, and in the world, as one interconnected net
of being. From the darkness comes the polarities necessary to choose the light,
for the next cycle of growth- restoration, rest, sinking in the cave of the
collective subconscious, going within and finding new directions for the new
With that
in mind, let’s turn our attention for a moment towards our own defensiveness,
anger and irritation with others. Let’s reflect on how we often jump into the
limbic high jack and collapse into defensiveness to protect our
vulnerabilities. Those soft spots in ourselves that hold sadness, unworthiness,
grief and hopelessness. Let’s turn towards our own capacity to truly listen to
others, to be willing to compromise for long term gains, to respect others’
rights to self-determination.
I will re-iterate what others have stated as the basis for peaceful
co-existence among nations: mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial
integrity, mutual non-aggression, non- interference in each other's internal
affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.
strengthen our ability to create peace- I have created this ritual for
solstice. Gathering with others is the most powerful way to perform this
ritual, but if you don’t have a spiritual tribe, you can come together with,
then doing this alone is also very effective.
Ahead of
time, ask your tribe to bring an inspirational reading, or dance or poetry or
song to share. With your tribe, from a circle. Set a large candle in the centre
of the circle. Give each person a small candle, perhaps a small tealight.
Wherever you are, make the space as dark as possible, turn off all the lights,
blow out the candles. Sit for a few moments in the darkness. You can play
soft music if it helps people to focus.
Here at the
darkest day of the year, we can honour three worlds of Gaia- the mineral world, the plant
world and the animal world.
The mineral
world During the winter months this world gives us rain, snow, winds, sky, clouds to help
us by cleansing events- snow, rainstorms, torrential atmospheric rivers- we
honour their activities as helping us clear away the past, purging old beliefs
and behaviours which we no longer need or want. Next time there is a climatic
storm of any kind, step out into it and give blessing to the mineral world for
helping us blow away the past, to grow and develop.
The plant
world Trees enter into a state of suspended animation.
Perennials have a temperature memory that tracks both time and temperature,
ultimately allowing them to figure out how cold it has been and for how long.
By keeping tabs on interactions among proteins, plants identify when to
activate the core gene that breaks dormancy. Trees and shrubs drop their
leaves, go into their roots. Photosynthesis and respiration decelerate, and
growth halts.
The animal world Many beings in this world sleep, or hibernate in one form or another. Bears in their
caves, giving birth to their young and suckling their young on the fat they
accumulated from autumn harvests. Fish and other amphibians go into the mud or
other dark caves and sleep. Humans also feel the pull towards isolation,
astrologers study the stars and sky events, gardeners read seed catalogues and
draw out next year’s gardens, writers write, dreamers dream, healers take rest.
Light one
candle in the centre of the circle.
Let’s begin
the new year as the earth pauses in her cycle to create aspirations in three
realms of human consciousness. Individual, collective and global.
This candle
is a metaphor for the one source which we all come from. It is the sun of our
Let’s put
our hands on our hearts and imagine a radiant light developing there, like the
candle in the centre of the circle. Let the heart light fill your whole body,
sinking first downwards through your body to your toes, and then rising up into
your throat, head and crown.
Now your
whole body is radiant light, wellbeing, peacefulness, joy and the power of
source energy. Let this radiance fill your whole body and especially focus on
any areas that may be constricted or in pain or illness.
Set an
intention for yourself individually. These can be aspirations about your
personal health, career, work, abundance, what you want to create in the next
Now imagine
that you have strands of light energy that can be sent out to everyone you have
known in your life. These can be beings or pets who have passed. Take and
moment and visual all these beings filled with light, love and joy. You can
also send out strands of light to the three worlds of Gaia- the mineral world,
the plant world and the animal world. See these group of beings gathered around
you in loving kindness with an interchange of light, love and joy. Imagine that
we are all embracing inter-being- helping each other with growth, expansion and
the care of Soul.
Imagine now
and put your focus towards Gaia as a whole interconnected being. With millions
of cells participating in the creation of one complex, beautiful, blue pearl
being in space.
Take a
moment and send peace to all those who are in war zones, those who live in
areas where there is violence, hatred, fear, destruction and defensiveness.
Let’s send prayers to these people and imagine, and they can all come to
peaceful terms with those that are in conflict.
let’s send peaceful intentions to the people and all beings who live in Gaza.
And to all those who are fighting and struggling with invasion and violence in
the Ukraine. Let’s imagine at this moment, not in the future, in this very
moment, that they experience a moment of inner peace, that they can find a way
towards resolution, mutual respect and prosperity.
Now I light
my candle from the One light and read my inspirational reading, and if I want,
I’ll comment on the meditation and some intentions for the new year. Let’s go
around the circle clockwise for opening. Let's allow each person to speak in
turn without comment, just presence.
Let's end
with a chant for peace-
Blessings for the new year.
Photo credit Lawren Harris- Group of seven
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