The River Books-Book Two All knowledge is within, All knowledge is without


The River Books-Book Two

All knowledge is within, All knowledge is without


The River is a fellowship of beings who began channeling through my sister, Catherine M. in the spring of 1983.  They described themselves as a collection of beings from many different worlds. Some are elemental beings, plant essences, animal totems, spirits of those who have lived in previous times here, some who have never inhabited earth but are concerned about the future of our home.

They shared hundreds of sessions with us over the next thirty years. Catherine channeled for many people who posed questions to this seemingly inexhaustible source of wisdom which ranged from the personal, relational to the most esoteric spiritual.

Their main message was that they considered the times which we are living in to be dangerous and full of existential threats to the continued life of planet Earth. They wanted to impart as much information as possible so we can all make what they called an evolutionary leap up in consciousness. I think they would sum up their message in one sentence:

All things are sentient and interconnected.

In the fall of 1989, they suggested that I meet with them once a week and through the channel they would dictate a book which would be a collection of wisdom messages about reality from their perspective. So began The River Books. At the end of one year and about thirty-five sessions of material, I realized that this wasn’t one book, but most likely at least three. For the next sixteen years, I transcribed the material, organized and commented on their teachings. I shared their ideas in workshops and used their wisdom as the foundation for my counselling practice.

At the beginning of the 1990’s, channeled material was almost unknown. Many people couldn’t understand or relate to ideas from a channeled fellowship. So I re-wrote the book several times, edited it, gave workshops in their material so I could learn how to present the material in a more accessible manner. The first River Book-The Three three Great Ways was published in 2006.

In 2017, I published a second River book, Soul Catching-finding sacred connections in our environments. This was based on a new direction that channeling took after 1999-which they called the end of decade of choice.

Now in 2025, I have returned to the original session material, and I am presenting the sessions in their original forms with minimum commentary or editing from myself. I feel that we are so much more ready to understand these kinds of teachings now and I want to present their voice and instructions in the pure and lyrical form that they offered to us.

In their own words-

Joy in the journey.


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